Marbella area news2023-10-12T13:40:19+02:00

How is property capital gains tax (Plusvalia) paid in Spain

Whenever an urban property is sold, donated or inherited in Spain, it is subject to "Plusvalia", a tax on the increase in value from when it’s bought until it’s sold. It is normally paid by the seller, although the two parties can negotiate sharing it. In the case of inheritance, the person receiving the property needs to pay.

August 1st, 2023|Categories: marbella, News items|

Spain mortgages for residents vs non-residents – a short guide

Banks normally issue a mortgage based on the same country as the asset is located, so it can be difficult for a non-Spanish-resident to arrange a mortgage from a home-country bank. Spanish banks however are accustomed to foreigners needing funds to purchase property in Spain, subject to some extra requirements compared to Spanish residents.

June 22nd, 2023|Categories: marbella, News items|

International Feria of Fuengirola

Fuengirola has been organising this celebration of its international community since 1994. From now until Tuesday 1st May 2023, representative groups from 32 countries will be offering food, arts, music and [...]

April 30th, 2023|Categories: marbella, News items|
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